nice, you're here
As a psychotherapist, coach and yoga teacher, I accompany you on your path. Together we will find out where you want to go, which solution suits you best, what resources you already have and how you can strengthen them. I listen to you, offer you new perspectives and create a trusting atmosphere in which you can think new ways.
I look forward to getting to know you and traveling with you to your destination.
how i support you
The experience of wanting to have children, the course of a pregnancy, the experiences surrounding the birth and the early parenting phase represent life-changing transitions for women, men and couples. These phases can bring challenges and the unexpected and can be characterized by mixed feelings, doubts and insecurities. A focus of my work is to accompany women, men, mothers, fathers and parents during this time.
The journey through life brings with it different challenges and turning points that may require changes in our daily interactions, personality and patterns. Be it during times of personal development or phases shaped by external circumstances, it is not uncommon for us to find ourselves confronted with challenging emotions. My work aims to provide individuals and couples with support and guidance as well as self-help in these crucial moments in life.
Von der Berufsprüfung für Betriebliche Mentorin und Betrieblicher Mentor bin ich als Begleitungsperson anerkannt und kann dich somit auch auf deinem beruflichen Weg begleiten. Wünschst du dir Einzelsitzungen oder Gruppensitzungen, um dich selbst in deinem Beruf als (angehende) Mentor:in, Coach oder Berater:in zu reflektieren und dich mit anderen Fachpersonen auszutauschen, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden. Reflexionssitzungen in der Gruppe leite ich auch regelmässig über die IPC Akademie.